Arcade Seismic Upgrade

Project Description: Seismic upgrade to the concrete arcade columns and concrete roof assembly.  Columns will be encased with steel reinforcing and concrete to seismically strengthen the existing structure.  Asphalt at footing areas of the columns will be removed and replaced for structural strength. Pedestrian and Fire Department access will be maintained during the project.




The contractor for the Colonnade Seismic Upgrade Project have updated the schedule and construction will begin on Wednesday, September 13th instead of Friday, September 15th. 

A great opportunity for you to attend the second forum Q and A forum regarding the project will be held September 13th from 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.,  in the Board Room 200. Ann Kroll and Greg Horne will be there to answer any questions you might have about the project. 

Below is a synopsis of phase 1 construction activities that will take place and time frames for your use and information. 

    Activity                                                                       Dates 

Contractor Mobilization                                  Sept. 5, 2017 – Sept. 8, 2017

Erect fences at laydown area                          Sept. 6, 2017 – Sept. 8, 2017

Erect fences at Phase 1 areas                          Sept. 6, 2017 – Sept. 13, 2017

Phase 1 Construction                                      Sept. 14, 2017 – Oct. 26, 2017

Closeout Phase 1                                             Oct. 27, 2017 – Oct 31, 2017

 Revised Completion                                         April 16, 2018


Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we seismically strengthening the grand court arcade?

We are making Chabot College safer for the students, staff, faculty and public who visit and attend college on our campus.

When will the project start?
The project will start in September 2017.

How long will the construction of the project take?
The project is to be completed in February 2018.

What hours does construction take place on campus?
Construction hours are 7am to 7pm Monday thru Friday.

Will the construction be noisy?
We expect there to be noise.  It is hard to avoid noise during construction. We will work with the contractor to minimize noise issues during the semester such as scheduling noisier activities on less occupied days such as Friday.

Will there be access to and from classroom buildings during construction?
Yes, there will be access to and from all buildings during construction.  Signage will be placed to direct students, staff and faculty to alternate entrance routes if required.

Will access be maintained for wheel chairs to buildings?
Yes, all buildings will have handicap access to and from buildings.

How will I know how to get into my building if the construction is happening in front of it?
There will be clear signage providing direction to alternate routes. There will be ADA accessible access signage provided as well indicating routes to all buildings.

Will I be able to get from one side of the Grand Court to the other side or will it be closed off?
Yes, there will be access through the Grand Court.  There will always be accessible pathways under the arcade.

Where can I look to find status updates on the construction project?
Refer to Chabot College FIT Committee website to get updated information on the project.

Who can I contact to ask any questions or report any concerns?
Please send any comments, concerns, or questions to Dr. Stacy Thompson, VP of Academics at she will forward them to the appropriate person for response.